Shaun was born, raised, and educated in Rochester. He and his family have been a part of the Rochester community for their entire lives, and Shaun wants to continue to give back to the community that has made him who he is. He is a frequent volunteer with organizations across the city like Camp Olson YMCA, Friends of Silver Lake, Rochester Track Club, Rochester Area Foundation, Rochester Arts Center, Friends of Mayowood, Habitat for Humanity and more!

Currently the Ward 5 City Councilperson, Shaun has built a reputation as a transparent and responsible leader. He has prepared himself to make tough decisions that will have large ramifications for the Rochester community. He has shown the ability to lead and is ready to take his skills to the seat of Rochester City Council President.

Running for City Council President is no small task, but Shaun knows that together with all of Rochester, a bright future awaits. Together Shaun knows that we can make much needed progress on issues that matter most to Rochester. From affordable housing to ensuring public safety, tackling environmental issues to maintaining parks, Shaun is ready to lead.